elder Visitation

“Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.” — Heb 13:17


What are “elders”?

Elders are men recognized by and elected from among the Congregation to serve as spiritual overseers, counselors, and comforters. As shepherds feed, care for, and direct the sheep, so God calls elders to nurture and guide his Flock (John 10:14, 27). Presently, we have seven elders working in pairs to oversee three districts (plus a Clerk who fills in).

What is elder visitation?

In keeping with Scripture and ancient custom, the elders aim to know members personally. Visits happen at least every two years, as well as upon request, either in members' homes or nearby locations (i.e., coffee shops or restaurants). Whatever you prefer.

For those unaccustomed to the practice, the idea might seem intimidating or invasive. Our members, however, typically report visits to be enjoyable opportunities to talk meaningfully about faith and life with mature servants of the church. So don't think of their coming as a visit from the “moral police.” They simply want to assist, encourage, and pray for members in their walk with God, as the Bible commands.


Request a Visit

Please get in touch with your district elders if you have any concerns, questions, or ideas. They are called by God and equipped to provide counsel, comfort, prayer, and order in the church. You can reach them by this private form, or email and call them directly.