The Sunday Reader: Vol. 1 | #29

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Hospitality is War

This month, we jump back into hospitality lunches. Here's a stout reminder of the importance and joys of practicing hospitality in all of life. HT: Nicol P.

Is it a Waste of Time for Seminary Students and Pastors to Learn the Biblical Languages?

This might help settle any doubts you might have about the value and necessity of future pastors investing so much time, effort, and money acquiring Greek and Hebrew fluency. Also, it might encourage a few robust souls to take up the mantel and become better equipped students of the Word.

How Can I Best Prepare Students to Live Their Faith out in Public Schools? (video)

Al Mohler tackles the question. Much of this applies to students in private and homeschool, too.

What I've Learned About Leviticus After Studying it for Over a Decade

This is a worthy reflection on the benefits to be reaped from a close, continual study of this often misunderstood and imposing section of Scripture.

ABOUT — The Sunday Reader shares articles we've found particularly insightful, thought-provoking, or edifying this week. While not always representing the views of our Pastors and Elders, these selections offer a mix of viewpoints to broaden and frame your understanding of God, Scripture, ourselves, and the world we serve in Christ's name.

Rev. Michael Spotts

Pastor Michael has been involved in ministry for over ten years. Before his ordination at Phoenix URC, he participated in foreign missions (Australia, Russia). He holds an Assoc. in Biblical Studies (2004) and an M.Div (WSCAL, 2016). 

Prior to ministry, he owned a commercial photography business for ten years. He still enjoys shooting landscape photos.